Thoughts from Writing Chapter 5 of Suddenly Widowed
In our home, feathers are a message from someone in Heaven. We believe they are a sign that everything is okay up in Heaven and we are okay here on earth. Finding a feather always brings a smile and a small sense of peacefulness.
I believe in a higher power, God, spirit guides, God winks, guide posts, signs from Heaven, and divine intervention. My faith, or spirituality is something I rarely shared before writing Suddenly Widowed. I felt it was a private matter. Or maybe, I was just self-conscious about sharing my personal beliefs. Whatever the reason, my faith journey was important to sharing my story authentically. It was significant in my survival, grief recovery, and now, living as a thriving widow, happy, and fulfilled.
Perhaps it’s with age, or experience, or education that we become more comfortable in our own skin, are able to laugh at ourselves, and become more willing to share our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs openly. I believe it’s a combination of all those things and more. For me, I had to work at it. I made a conscious, thoughtful decision to open myself up and share from my heart. I chose to focus on the good that may come from this, both for myself and for my readers.
I don’t need to have an answer for every question or a reason for every occurrence like I once did. I’ve learned to except things as they are – well, most of the time. It’s still a work in progress; I’m still a work in progress. Letting go of thoughts, emotions, and feelings that do not serve me requires determination and effort. In my experience, it is well worth the work to achieve peace of mind and lower blood pressure.
Why am I continuing to write about my faith? I ask this question of myself and give thoughtful pause. I have no agenda, this is simply what came out when I sat down to write this post. I don’t fight it or try to spin my words in favor of recruiting believers. These words simply flow from a creative space within myself and a strong desire to share who I’ve become since being widowed and building my own, new normal. I trust that in doing so, I help or inspire someone else to build their own authentic life and open themselves to possibilities.
I find feathers often, or maybe they find me. Either way, the discovery always stops me if just for a moment to appreciate where and who I am. I choose to see the sign as support and reassurance from above. It confirms for me that all is well and I’m on the right path. Whether you share my belief or not, I hope the next time a feather crosses your path, you notice it and allow yourself to wonder…
Acknowledgement of a Higher Power, the Universe, Source, or God brings a level of comfort only available through faith.